With professional anatomical models of teeth, learning becomes much easier! Each is described in Braille, which will make it easier for visually impaired children to learn about oral hygiene.  The models will be used during the original educational campaign conducted by the project participants. After its completion, they will be handed over to the cooperating centers, so that the educational program prepared within the framework of the project can be permanently introduced into the timetable.

Today, the team from Lublin had the great pleasure of organizing the first, long-awaited educational event, at the invitation of our partner — the Prof. Zofia Sękowska Special School-Educational Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (SOSW) in Lublin.

The first meetings scheduled as part of the educational campaign have already taken place.

 A project team from Slovakia visited a school for visually impaired children in Levoča, where it began implementing a pilot educational program prepared as part of the project: Oral health education program for visually impaired children. Participants in the project received gifts that will make it easier for them to take care of their daily oral hygiene.

September 1, 2022 Next orders already delivered

With the start of the school year, the project office received more educational materials that had been ordered: the Project's mascot in the form of Crocodile, and a puzzle for learning dental anatomy. The prepared teaching aids will be used during educational activities with the charges of the cooperating centers.

A team from Hungary successfully completed the production of an audio recording for children about proper oral hygiene care. Several groups were involved in its creation, responsible for recording dialogues, sounds and sound effects. The recorded material was then professionally prepared for use in further stages of the Project.

The first stage of assembling the gifts for children is complete. A manual and electric toothbrush, toothpaste and a mug with a crocodile motif – the Project's mascot – have already arrived at the Project office. The kits will soon be handed over to children during educational events.

The period after Easter was a time of intense work. The team submitted a partial report on the implementation of the Project, which was accepted by the Visegrad Fund, thus giving the green light to implement further stages of the Project. After consultations, the contents of individual kits for children and educational supplies for schools were determined. Details of the other elements of the Project have also been worked out: the transcription of the audio play, the design of the flyers, and the script for the film, and their production has begun.

Online consultation on the ZOOM platform February 9, 2022

On February 9, 2022, online consultations of project teams from Poland and Slovakia took place on the ZOOM platform to discuss the prepared educational materials (i.e. the content of the leaflet in Braille, leaflet for guardians of children with visual impairments, scenario of the instructional video for parents/guardians and teachers on the methodology of teaching proper oral hygiene, scenario of the sound recording for children on proper oral hygiene care) and the scenario of the educational campaign. Substantive issues regarding further activities in the project were also presented in detail.

Report from the Workshop on methods of working with visually impaired children November 15-17, 2021

On November 15-17, 2021 in Lublin the workshops took place, planned within the framework of the project "Oral health education program for visually impaired children", on the methodology of work with visually impaired children.